Pre Sales FAQ - 1 (Transformation)
Why Imediabiz Becoming HostMop ?
As a multinational company, Imediabiz Pty Ltd, has expanded and grown as a multimedia company which is engaged in numerous aspects of Internet-based business. At the beginning of its development, Imediabiz have a hosting provider business units directly managed by the brand directly. The development of business units other than hosting Imediabiz become a basic consideration for Imediabiz Pty LtdDirectors and Management, to re-transform business unit formerly known for its hosting providers through a brand change into Later on, or Imediabiz Pty Ltd will become the parent company and as a part or subsidiary companies engaged in the world of hosting. This is a step forward for Imediabiz Pty Ltd, by making as the best and largest hosting provider in Indonesia and able to compete at international level.
This transformation is also based on the awareness that the hosting needs will be increase as well as with increasing intensity of market competition in responding to customer needs. with new technology, new products and features, comes with responding to and answering customers' needs and continue to better service performance for customers. This fundamental change is a token of gratitude and our dedication for our customers to trust Imediabiz hosting products and services as our commitment to become a hosting provider with the best service for customers. Professional management and a reliable technical support wil meet your needs. Because for us, you as our customers, is a partner to success.
Pre Sales FAQ - 1 (Difference)
What's the Difference HostMop with Imediabiz
There will be no difference technically and administrational, your hosting products and services are still running until expired, or cancelled. customers will continue to get service and management in accordance with the hosting packages that are use until the account is expired or cancelled. Imediabiz customers is a customer of HostMop.
The only difference is that the hosting provider you use to known by the name of will be